Celebrating U.S. Recycling Day by abandoning plastic film | AustinTexas.gov

2021-11-13 03:03:02 By : Mr. Mario Van

Austin Resource Recovery provides collection activities and education for this problematic plastic

Austin, Texas-On this U.S. Recycling Day, November 15, Austin Resource Recycling (ARR) adopted the problematic plastic film. "As New York City moves towards a zero-waste future, the barriers to recycling plastics are growing," said Ken Snipes, Austin Resource Recycling Director. "Learning how to take these items out of our garbage and recycling trucks and dispose of them properly will help reduce plastic pollution, teach residents about environmentally friendly and waste-free alternatives, and most importantly reduce the amount of materials in local landfills." Plastic film-such as food bags, cling film, used zipper bags or pillow plastic packaging-is a flexible disposable plastic that is not accepted by residents' blue recycling trucks. When placed in a blue trolley, this plastic will wrap around the gears of the machine, stop the operation, and pose a safety hazard to employees (who must manually remove these items from the gears), thereby posing a threat to recycling facilities. The plastic film placed in the brown garbage truck goes directly to the landfill, where it does not decompose. To celebrate U.S. Recycling Day, several dedicated zero-waste zone leaders at ARR are helping to keep plastic film away from landfills by organizing community plastic film collection events throughout the city. Find collection events near you on the ARR event page or email block.leader@austintexas.gov. Austinites can also dispose of their plastic film by arranging recycling at the Recycling and Recycling Center (RRDOC). Last year, RRDOC collected 24.5 tons (equivalent to 49,000 pounds) of plastic film. Many local grocery stores and retail stores also provide plastic film recycling services.

As part of the U.S. Plastics Convention, the City of Austin is committed to educating the community about plastic films. For more information on U.S. Recycling Day, plastic recycling in Austin, and what you can do to make a difference, visit austintexas.gov/plastic.

Austin Resource Recovery provides a wide range of services designed to turn waste into resources while keeping our community clean. Services include recycling, roadside collection of garbage, garden decorations, and large brushes and bulk items; street sweeping; animal carcass collection; household hazardous waste treatment and recycling; and outreach and education. Austin Resource Recovery provides free, voluntary, and confidential consulting services to help Austin businesses reduce waste and comply with New York City's recycling regulations. In December 2011, the Austin City Council approved the Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan, which is the city’s roadmap to zero waste. The City of Austin is committed to reducing the amount of waste sent to regional landfills by 90% by 2040. Please visit austinrecycles.com for more information.